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I suppose so. Sarah admitted after a moment, chuckling hollowly before turning back to Avis and Kathie. I was a nurse working in the medic tent. The cuts weren’t immediately life threatening so the doctors sent me instead of themselves to work on him while they dealt with,” she paused for a moment, her lips twisting slightly in distaste at the next thought, “the important wounded.”
She quoted. The former nurse paused at the next memory, shuddering slightly before continuing. “It was awful what the warlock had done to him. I worked day and night, cleaning his wounds and changing the bandages. Eventually his cuts had healed enough to speak but it had taken some time. Then he went to buy money on runescape to add some blood. And by then, any information Gratis could have had would be out of date and useless. They still planned to torture him anyway, to find out what they could. I couldn’t just let that happen to him.
Avis was silent for a moment, a finger gently tapping on the table as he considered her words. “I see. So you broke him out? Forgive me for doubting you but how in Lune’s name did you, a nurse; manage to escape with an orc from a heavily guarded Alliance camp?” He asked caustically, fairly spitting the word orc out like it was a foul taste. Then she got some RS gold as gifts. The milky white glowing eyes of Kathie glanced her husband’s way with concern to his anger and that it may be blinding him, but silently assented to the point all the same.
Her gaze switched back to Sarah who fidgeted at the demand, arms enwrapping her like a protective shroud as if to try and ward away the consequences of what she would say next. I made a deal with Faust Kaufman.” She whispered her voice as low as the most criminal of sins. With cheapest runescape gold in the world he got some useful items. Avis observed the reaction in silent critic, noting the manner to which the orc started almost imperceptibly and glanced to his companion in surprise. Clearly this was news to him as well, but to what repercussions such information could hold in that it was withheld from the one whose freedom was bought with it remained to be seen.
And, what did this deal cost you? Avis asked firmly and leadingly. Sarah flinched as if struck, looking at the night elves across from her with palpable fear radiating from her frail form. I can’t tell you that.” She quickly refuted with a rapid shaking of her head. The druid narrowed his eyes slowly at the denial, his glowing orbs piercing the woman across the table with intensity and drilling into her with scrutinizing force to try and elicit answers. He ordered. Sarah drew back slightly, pursing her lips in an attempt to not let a whisper of truth pass through them.
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