
The authority of the game is in players’ mind--PSN card

GamesIndustry reports that the authority of the media in Europe Sony is secretly developing a new PS3 motion-sensing controller, but with six axes and vibration are now handle different is that this new controller consists of two parts, and each containing the corresponding angle of the accelerator and sensing device. These devices make more players buy playstation network card online to maintain the fun in the game.
GamesIndustry side said, although not clear when the PS3's launch of the new handle, do not know which games will be able to support the new handle design. But they can be sure that this project has been brewing for a long time and will eventually become reality. It was listed in the product sales.
However PS3 "cloned" handle the news shortly after the famous American game blog Kotaku received from industry sources said the anonymous sources, GamesIndustry reports the description of the design for the handle is not accurate, this handle is not to be divided into two parts, but by the many devices "fit" together. With this way, the sales of PlayStation Network Card are increasing due to these interesting games.
According to insiders to disclose the news, the new motion-sensing part of the handle can be installed as an add-on device to handle the subject, but also such devices and more than one only. Such as allowing the player hands, each is carrying a device to manipulate the game in the role of the hands. Even with four players of this device were simulated limb movements.
It should be noted that the insiders admitted that he last saw in the new handle, Sony used technology and design may change, but he stressed that the handle will not put it is like GamesIndustry by the combination of two parts. In addition, the release date, and the corresponding game in packaged form and other information, this person said is not yet known.
Finally, whether cloned or fit, at least this new handle design sounds pretty interesting, but at this stage, we can only treat it as hearsay. Sony's official attitude on the matter as in the past - this speculation and rumor can not comment. The PSN card is welcomed by many players.
For PS3 gamers, this week will undoubtedly be unusually busy, yesterday was "Resident Evil 5" the demo. And then two days, "Killzone 2" the demo will also be advancing. SCEE's semi-official blog ThreeSpeech said today, "Killzone 2" demo will be on February 5 is on the line Thursday, SCEA area than before on February 26 announced a few weeks in advance. Of course, if you booked in advance at GameStop this game, it should now be able to demo the next.

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