
PlaySpan introduces the Ultimate Game Card

On the last 20th of March, 2009, PlaySpan, the leader in monetization solutions for the games in the internet, social networking sites as well as the virtual worlds. They have announced the various key findings based on the insight survey of their users on the Ultimate Game Card.  This sort of gaming card usually stores the value that helps access three hundred more MMOPGs and the virtual world. At the contemporary time, the ugc card can be available in more than 21,000 retail outlets in America, Canada and the other thousands outlets worldwide. Buy Ultimate Game Card as it helps the teenagers; young gamers enable to purchase the major items without using the Credit cards. As these people do not have the credit cards they cannot purchase the major elements in the War Rock and Knight Online asserted by Joshua Hong,   the CEO of Gamers First. This place is also called as K2 Network.
In a real sense, the Ultimate Game Card appears as the substitute of our retail cards since it gives the access to the extra channels that were earlier occupied to us. When you have your preferred gamers, you can simply give the ugc card as the gift. As you perhaps do not figure out the simple gift for your passionate gamers, you will be appraised when you send a card or give an Ultimate Game Card to your preferred game; he or she will love it. When a gift card is not enough, an UGC card is the best substitute.  Another merit of the UGC card is that the gamers can seize the discount on the purchase.
Buy Ultimate Game Card as it is a pre-paid credit card for buying the prime content form many games on the internet. You can avail the Ultimate Game Card from the convenience stores, pharmacies, or the gas stations.  You can access one thousand online games without the necessity of a credit card or providing the personal information. A popular massively online multiplayer role-playing game, RuneScape accepts the ugc card as it is used as the form of payment for subscribing the membership.  Surf the website of RuneScape. Find the Account link and choose the Upgrade your account. Insert the username along with the password in the respective field. Now click the login icon and proceed towards an upgrade.  You need to click the link that is marked as PayByCash in the Other Options indicating a different payment method. Follow the instructions to redeem your Ultimate Game Card with RuneScape.

