
The common birth of PSN founder and efforts to success

This article was from the early stage of development of ZYNGA to begin with PSN platform. ZYNGA’s story is not just about the founder of the company, but also should contain a variety of roles around him. And even encourage his opponents to succeed, and the challenges they face. We'll start with the three aspects about ZYNGA so successful because as well as facing setbacks. It’s no wonder he can make so many PSN:PlayStation Network Card to all the players.
PINCUS published a lecture on starting a business in the spring of 2009. The Startup the Berkeley once said: "Before I became an entrepreneur, I tried various occupations in which frustration as you want to become a professional athletes before, you must participate in the Junior League. Before you can really deal with failure, you may experience numerous failures many work, I was fired several times, some I took the initiative to the boss to resign.
At that time, tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of technology companies sell is not uncommon, PINCUS, the sale of this company is not really a blockbuster deal. However, the success of these first start-up companies PINCUS obtained a foothold in the wave of Silicon Valley Network. Subsequently Lee and Scott Dale, co-founder of Support.com (that is, of Support Soft,) to provide automated software maintenance and services company. The company is listed in July 2000.
With adequate funding, PINCUS, the Tank Hill, was founded in January 2000. Then just hit the Internet bubble, so he and his collaborators will have to eventually turn off this company, and until nine months later to make up for the losses. In 2003, PINCUS, 37-year-old, opened one of the Tribe.net earliest community home site. PINCUS called "fit of Craigslist and Fraudster." So PSN card was his treasure.
But in the end this site also failed it’s bring greater returns. In 2005, the board of directors of the company to abandon the PINCUS, he eventually left the company. But in 2006, he was again recaptured from the hands of investors Tribe.net and its assets sold to Cisco. Time, Tribe.net only eight employees in March 2007, Cisco completed the deal.
He and friend was Reid Hoffman (PayPal payment platform for the core members of LinkedIn of the founder, $ 700,000 from the hands of Six degrees purchased social networking patent. Then they invest in were not what fame Face book this ultimately opens the Web 2.0 trend, and first to take advantage of the dynamic network to promote the company of users on the Internet to communicate. That is why so many players would like to buy playstation network card online. So PINCUS will face book founder Mark berg has established a close relationship, and created favorable conditions for the social gaming revolution “he set off in the future.

The initial PVP arena will affect the development of Diablo3

The game Diablo 3 inside the PVP arena in the early stages did not join in the game, but now the players are more like the battle network games with the Diablo 3 CD Key. The bold attempt it may affect the future development trend of the game.
Of course, Blizzard official person in charge has also been referred to the "PVP arena in the next update is added to the game. However, by that time the balance between the roles of each game and the battle map, there are a variety of rewards must form a complete model. It will face in Guild Wars 2 masterpiece competition.
In addition, the "Diablo 3" strong competitors launched last year, "space-time rift" and "Star Wars: The Old Republic", the future, there are South Korea, NCSOFT Corporation Guild Wars 2, “the sword of the Spirit" and "ancient the challenges of the century "and other games. Received in overseas countries, "Star Wars: The Old Republic", "fierce battle" with "Diablo 3" clash. Exactly who will triumph in the pack among the global players is also much concern. The Diablo 3 was the game which will attracts many players to Buy Diablo 3 CD Key. That will launch a console platform. There will be the ideal results.
The same time, Blizzard has also developed a console platform "Diablo 3". Then the network operator services through the PSN and Xbox360, what can produce what results is worthy of the players are more concerned about things.
The premise is that the success of these console platform game very few cases, but fortunately the current console platform game network operation and service mode has formed a relatively fixed system. Therefore have every reason to expect to achieve more satisfactory results. In addition, there are some players and the game industry has pointed out the game configuration needs some basic ability to satisfactorily resolve the need for further observation.
A Korean game industry said, "is about to be launched in 2012," Diablo 3 "you want to succeed you need to face all kinds of unexpected difficult situation. After all, this year the introduction of a lot of games, we are very much looking forward to Diablo 3 can to the end of time, become a player favorite 2012 game of the Year. "
Years exactly is the reincarnation of the number of years back and forth after you have and the author of confusion - the hearts of what is left waiting for.
Twelve years ago, I was a Department of Physics and Chemistry of primary school students, is a do not eat breakfast to save money to go to Internet café. So Diablo 3 Key becomes very popular. Game juvenile is a class to eat and sleep thinking about the next play Diablo3 going to the sites, fight the strange elements of semi-addiction.

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Purgatory difficulty adjustment will be completed before sale

The purgatory is difficulty in the end how difficult it should be. It is difficult to grasp the scale. Although Blizzard has repeatedly the purgatory difficulty most of the players will feel terror. Blizzard, after all, does not want the game's highest difficulty blocking the footsteps of most of the players. In particular, most of these players may be "not so much the novice. And this needs so called Diablo 3 CD Key.
To make a bet, purgatory mode to how long it will cut. Because the enemy is too much white are playing is not the past. Or weak people want to laugh (so that everyone can swim joy). I bet the Purgatory mode a month nerd. Is really a joke, which Sunday not holds in the past? Now is the adjustment period. The adjustment has been a while, and will continue to adjust in the development process, until the close until the extent we want.
This should be completed before the sale, rather than after the sale. Yes, but you say the first day of a sale is the perfect Blizzard. Every Blizzard game has to adjust, re-adjust and re-adjust, but the game need to sale. I understand what I want to say, the adjustments will continue to Diablo 3's life cycle. But the adjustment over is not a good thing.  
Look at the World of Warcraft, many people, including me, say compared to before, because of "excessive" adjustment has been "broken without the wind". I cannot say perfect. I did not say the game after the sale will not correct problems. And so many players chose to Buy Diablo 3 CD Key. The landlord said is a Purgatory difficulty - the difficulty of the game and how the difficulty of the game before the game is released on the identification and adjustment.
This increases the playability of the game. Especially because of the skills of the CD limit you a more strategic use on such a skill-based game, which is in itself a step forward. Energy use in the game is limited. Diablo 3 slots now very abundant cool. But it also provides a convenient no brains and frequently used skills. However, certain skills if you frequent the unlimited use of it will lose playability. So we had to make a choice: either simply all skills can be no intermittent use, or we give them to set a threshold so that this skill really Incubi up.
Diablo 2 is a great game. But I think the battle mode and not everyone can accept. Because of the cool characters, so we think Diablo 2 is fun, rather than no brains to go waving Blessed Hammer or no brains and no brain kite monsters such skills. The sale of Diablo 3 Key proves it. I believe that Diablo 3 is not only can bring our Nimbi characters can bring the experience of fighting, but it cannot be accomplished by imitating the Diablo 2.

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Tell you how to understand Dynamic login screen

Compared to the login screen of the CBT3 static, "the ancient century" HANBOK CBT4 login interface gives the feeling of bright spots. The game login screen is just a static image, while the CBT4 inventive, and take a video embedded in the way. Players enter the account at the same time. They can enjoy the stunning scenery of the game picturesque. And also the Tera cd key has a new looking. It is refreshing. According to the understanding, in the beta of the game, login page, there will be more shocking results.
High configuration and high-quality: the picture quality of the game without too much description, presumably all landing game, will be the first time "overawed". The scene in the game open to the highest quality is definitely online and even stand-alone game unique. But if the player's computer is a low profile, that picture is the lack of competitiveness. They believe, under the premise of ensuring high quality, reduce the game configuration, which is a major problem before the developer.
Today, the ancient century development engine is latest CryEngine3. Its expressive power is unmatched. But to look back and have high-quality game screen corresponding to the players have very good hardware can be the perfect embodiment of the game screen and fluidity. And the so called tera time card is severed for all the users.
Operating environment of Windows XP regulated Sp3. Although Microsoft boasted of natural selection to the XP system, but eventually a lot of XP fans. Relative to this game, I personally do not recommend using the XP system to play the ancient century, for the following reasons. The first is the DX9 play no perfect game expressive and game quality. Once again, poor memory, 32-bit XP supports up to 3G around the memory.
Running environment Windows7: For the ancient century, win7 is the best use of the platform, which has a large memory and DX11 support. It can take full advantage of the hardware to bring the player's picture effect and fluency in the game. No doubt in your eyes, this is definitely not the synthetic diagram.
Create a character interface and race: The game character creation screen has changed greatly. But a lot of players put forward the role of shape design also has changed a lot. Players after the change of system interface according to their own ideas to design more beautiful characters. This is a good chance to buy tera cd key. The game also added a lot of body, face template for players to choose from. Players can modify their face, hair, and tattoo. In addition, players can also make changes to the face, eyes, lips and other parts
Compared to the previous two tests, CBT4 interface improvement is to abandon the traditional online games, map guide, compass map. Portraits also canceled directly replaced by the blood of a yellow bar for a unique labor, a day of labor is limited, careful use of.

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