
The common birth of PSN founder and efforts to success

This article was from the early stage of development of ZYNGA to begin with PSN platform. ZYNGA’s story is not just about the founder of the company, but also should contain a variety of roles around him. And even encourage his opponents to succeed, and the challenges they face. We'll start with the three aspects about ZYNGA so successful because as well as facing setbacks. It’s no wonder he can make so many PSN:PlayStation Network Card to all the players.
PINCUS published a lecture on starting a business in the spring of 2009. The Startup the Berkeley once said: "Before I became an entrepreneur, I tried various occupations in which frustration as you want to become a professional athletes before, you must participate in the Junior League. Before you can really deal with failure, you may experience numerous failures many work, I was fired several times, some I took the initiative to the boss to resign.
At that time, tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of technology companies sell is not uncommon, PINCUS, the sale of this company is not really a blockbuster deal. However, the success of these first start-up companies PINCUS obtained a foothold in the wave of Silicon Valley Network. Subsequently Lee and Scott Dale, co-founder of Support.com (that is, of Support Soft,) to provide automated software maintenance and services company. The company is listed in July 2000.
With adequate funding, PINCUS, the Tank Hill, was founded in January 2000. Then just hit the Internet bubble, so he and his collaborators will have to eventually turn off this company, and until nine months later to make up for the losses. In 2003, PINCUS, 37-year-old, opened one of the Tribe.net earliest community home site. PINCUS called "fit of Craigslist and Fraudster." So PSN card was his treasure.
But in the end this site also failed it’s bring greater returns. In 2005, the board of directors of the company to abandon the PINCUS, he eventually left the company. But in 2006, he was again recaptured from the hands of investors Tribe.net and its assets sold to Cisco. Time, Tribe.net only eight employees in March 2007, Cisco completed the deal.
He and friend was Reid Hoffman (PayPal payment platform for the core members of LinkedIn of the founder, $ 700,000 from the hands of Six degrees purchased social networking patent. Then they invest in were not what fame Face book this ultimately opens the Web 2.0 trend, and first to take advantage of the dynamic network to promote the company of users on the Internet to communicate. That is why so many players would like to buy playstation network card online. So PINCUS will face book founder Mark berg has established a close relationship, and created favorable conditions for the social gaming revolution “he set off in the future.

