
Purgatory difficulty adjustment will be completed before sale

The purgatory is difficulty in the end how difficult it should be. It is difficult to grasp the scale. Although Blizzard has repeatedly the purgatory difficulty most of the players will feel terror. Blizzard, after all, does not want the game's highest difficulty blocking the footsteps of most of the players. In particular, most of these players may be "not so much the novice. And this needs so called Diablo 3 CD Key.
To make a bet, purgatory mode to how long it will cut. Because the enemy is too much white are playing is not the past. Or weak people want to laugh (so that everyone can swim joy). I bet the Purgatory mode a month nerd. Is really a joke, which Sunday not holds in the past? Now is the adjustment period. The adjustment has been a while, and will continue to adjust in the development process, until the close until the extent we want.
This should be completed before the sale, rather than after the sale. Yes, but you say the first day of a sale is the perfect Blizzard. Every Blizzard game has to adjust, re-adjust and re-adjust, but the game need to sale. I understand what I want to say, the adjustments will continue to Diablo 3's life cycle. But the adjustment over is not a good thing.  
Look at the World of Warcraft, many people, including me, say compared to before, because of "excessive" adjustment has been "broken without the wind". I cannot say perfect. I did not say the game after the sale will not correct problems. And so many players chose to Buy Diablo 3 CD Key. The landlord said is a Purgatory difficulty - the difficulty of the game and how the difficulty of the game before the game is released on the identification and adjustment.
This increases the playability of the game. Especially because of the skills of the CD limit you a more strategic use on such a skill-based game, which is in itself a step forward. Energy use in the game is limited. Diablo 3 slots now very abundant cool. But it also provides a convenient no brains and frequently used skills. However, certain skills if you frequent the unlimited use of it will lose playability. So we had to make a choice: either simply all skills can be no intermittent use, or we give them to set a threshold so that this skill really Incubi up.
Diablo 2 is a great game. But I think the battle mode and not everyone can accept. Because of the cool characters, so we think Diablo 2 is fun, rather than no brains to go waving Blessed Hammer or no brains and no brain kite monsters such skills. The sale of Diablo 3 Key proves it. I believe that Diablo 3 is not only can bring our Nimbi characters can bring the experience of fighting, but it cannot be accomplished by imitating the Diablo 2.

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